Source code for drymass.anasphere

import pathlib

import numpy as np
import qpimage
import qpsphere

from . import util

#: Output sphere analysis qpimage.QPSeries data
FILE_SPHERE_DATA = "sphere_{}_{}_data.h5"
#: Output sphere analysis statistics
FILE_SPHERE_STAT = "sphere_{}_{}_statistics.txt"

[docs]class EdgeDetectionFailedWarning(UserWarning): pass
[docs]def analyze_sphere(h5roi, dir_out, r0=10e-6, method="edge", model="projection", edgekw={}, imagekw={}, alpha=.18, rad_fact=1.2, ret_changed=False, ret_reused=False): """Perform sphere analysis Parameters ---------- h5series: str Path of qpimage.QPSeries hdf5 file dir_out: str Path to output directory r0: float Initial radius method: str Either "edge" or "image"; see :ref:`config_sphere` for more information. model: str Propagation model to use; see :ref:`config_sphere` for more information. edgekw: dict Keyword arguments to :func:`qpsphere.edgefit.contour_canny` imagekw: dict Keyword arguments to :func:`qpsphere.imagefit.alg.match_phase` alpha: float Refraction increment [mL/g] rad_fact: float Radial inclusion factor for dry mass computation ret_changed: bool Return boolean indicating whether the sphere data on disk was created/updated (True) or whether only previously created ROI data was used (False). ret_reused: bool Return integer indicating how many previous fits were reused. """ dir_out = pathlib.Path(dir_out).resolve() h5out = dir_out / FILE_SPHERE_DATA.format(method, model) statout = dir_out / FILE_SPHERE_STAT.format(method, model) with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5roi, h5mode="r") as qps: dataid, roiparid, roiexclid = qps.identifier.split(":") cfgid = util.hash_object([r0, method, model, edgekw, imagekw if method == "image" else None, alpha, rad_fact]) # Previous reference dataset may contain valuable fitting results h5ref = None changed = True reused = 0 if util.is_series_file(h5out): with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5out, h5mode="r") as qps_ref: refids = qps_ref.identifier.split(":") refids.pop(2) # remove roiexclid from identifier if [dataid, roiparid, cfgid] == refids: # reuse (rename to temporary file) h5ref = h5out.with_suffix(".ref.h5") h5out.rename(h5ref) changed = False ids_ref = [] if h5ref is not None: with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5ref, h5mode="r") as qps_ref: ids_ref = [qpi["identifier"] for qpi in qps_ref] # initialize output file with identifier identifier = ":".join([dataid, roiparid, roiexclid, cfgid]) with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5out, h5mode="w", identifier=identifier) as qps_out: pass with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5roi, h5mode="r") as qps_in, \"w") as fd: header = ["identifier", "index", "radius_um", "rel_dry_mass_pg", "abs_dry_mass_pg", "time", "medium", ] fd.write("#" + "\t".join(header) + "\r\n") for qpi in qps_in: simident = "{}:{}".format(qpi["identifier"], model) if simident in ids_ref: with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5ref, h5mode="r") as qps_ref: qpi_sim = qps_ref[simident].copy() n = qpi_sim["sim index"] r = qpi_sim["sim radius"] c = qpi_sim["sim center"] ids_ref.remove(simident) reused += 1 else: try: # fit sphere model n, r, c, qpi_sim = qpsphere.analyze(qpi, r0=r0, method=method, model=model, edgekw=edgekw, imagekw=imagekw, ret_center=True, ret_qpi=True) except qpsphere.models.excpt.UnsupportedModelParametersError: print("Skipping object {} ".format(qpi["identifier"]) + "because unsupported model parameters were " + "encountered.") continue except BaseException as exc: # Be more verbose exc.args = ("ROI {}: ".format(qpi["identifier"]) + exc.args[0],) raise else: changed = True # write simulation results with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5out, h5mode="a") as qps_out: qps_out.add_qpimage(qpi=qpi_sim, identifier=simident) # finally, update text file if "time" in qpi: qptime = qpi["time"] else: qptime = np.nan data = { "identifier": qpi["identifier"], "index": n, "radius_um": r * 1e6, "abs_dry_mass_pg": absolute_dry_mass_sphere( qpi=qpi, radius=r, center=c, alpha=alpha, rad_fact=rad_fact ) * 1e12, "rel_dry_mass_pg": relative_dry_mass( qpi=qpi, radius=r, center=c, alpha=alpha, rad_fact=rad_fact ) * 1e12, "time": qptime, "medium": qpi["medium index"] } fd.write("\t".join([str(data[k]) for k in header]) + "\r\n") fd.flush() if ids_ref: # leftovers changed = True # cleanup if h5ref is not None: h5ref.unlink() ret = [h5out] if ret_changed: ret.append(changed) if ret_reused: ret.append(reused) if len(ret) == 1: ret = ret[0] return ret
[docs]def absolute_dry_mass_sphere(qpi, radius, center, alpha=.18, rad_fact=1.2): """Compute absolute dry mass of a spherical phase object The absolute dry mass is computed with .. code:: m_abs = m_rel + m_sup m_rel = lambda / (2*PI*alpha) * phi_tot * deltaA m_sup = 4*PI / (3*alpha) * radius^3 (n_med - n_PBS) with the vacuum wavelength ``lambda``, the total phase retardation in the area of interest ``phi_tot``, the pixel area ``deltaA``, the refractive index of the medium `n_med` (stored in ``qpi.meta``), and the refractive index of phosphate buffered saline (PBS) ``n_PBS=1.335``. This is the *absolute* dry mass, because it takes into account the offset caused by the suppressed density in the phase data. Parameters ---------- qpi: qpimage.QPImage QPI data center: tuble (x,y) Center of the sphere [px] radius: float Radius of the sphere [m] wavelength: float The wavelength of the light [m] alpha: float Refraction increment [mL/g] rad_fact: float Inclusion factor that scales `radius` to increase the area used for phase summation; if the backgound phase exhibits a noise phase signal, positive and negative contributions cancel out and `rad_fact` does not have an effect above a certain critical value. Returns ------- dry_mass: float The absolute dry mass of the sphere [g] """ dm_rel = relative_dry_mass(qpi=qpi, radius=radius, center=center, alpha=alpha, rad_fact=rad_fact) medium_index = qpi["medium index"] dm_sup = 4 / 3 * np.pi / (alpha * 1e-6) * \ radius**3 * (medium_index - 1.335) return dm_rel + dm_sup
[docs]def relative_dry_mass(qpi, radius, center, alpha=.18, rad_fact=1.2): """Compute relative dry mass of a circular area in QPI The dry mass is computed with m_rel = lambda / (2*PI*alpha) * phi_tot * deltaA with the vacuum wavelength `lambda`, the total phase retardation in the area of interest `phi_tot`, and the pixel area `deltaA`. This is the *relative* dry mass, because it is computed relative to the surrounding medium (phi_tot) and not relative to water. Parameters ---------- qpi: qpimage.QPImage QPI data center: tuble (x,y) Center of the area of interest [px] radius: float Radius of the area of interest [m] wavelength: float The wavelength of the light [m] alpha: float Refraction increment [mL/g] rad_fact: float Inclusion factor that scales `radius` to increase the area used for phase summation; if the backgound phase exhibits a noise phase signal, positive and negative contributions cancel out and `rad_fact` does not have an effect above a certain critical value. Returns ------- dry_mass: float The relative dry mass of the object [g] """ image = qpi.pha rincl = radius / qpi["pixel size"] * rad_fact wavelength = qpi["wavelength"] sx, sy = qpi.shape x = np.arange(sx).reshape(-1, 1) y = np.arange(sy).reshape(1, -1) discsq = ((x - center[0])**2 + (y - center[1])**2) area = discsq < rincl**2 phi_tot = np.sum(image[area]) # compute dry mass pxarea = qpi["pixel size"]**2 # convert alpha mL/g to m³/g fact = 1e-6 # [kg] dm = wavelength / (2 * np.pi * alpha * fact) * phi_tot * pxarea return dm