Source code for drymass.anasphere

import pathlib

import numpy as np
import qpimage
import qpsphere

from . import util

#: Output sphere analysis qpimage.QPSeries data
FILE_SPHERE_DATA = "sphere_{}_{}_data.h5"
#: Output sphere analysis statistics
FILE_SPHERE_STAT = "sphere_{}_{}_statistics.txt"

[docs]class EdgeDetectionFailedWarning(UserWarning): pass
[docs]def analyze_sphere(h5roi, dir_out, r0=10e-6, method="edge", model="projection", edgekw={}, imagekw={}, alpha=.18, rad_fact=1.2, ret_changed=False): """Perform sphere analysis Parameters ---------- h5series: str Path of qpimage.QPSeries hdf5 file dir_out: str Path to output directory r0: float Initial radius method: str Either "edge" or "image"; see :ref:`config_sphere` for more information. model: str Propagation model to use; see :ref:`config_sphere` for more information. edgekw: dict Keyword arguments to :func:`qpsphere.edgefit.contour_canny` imagekw: dict Keyword arguments to :func:`qpsphere.imagefit.alg.match_phase` alpha: float Refraction increment [mL/g] rad_fact: float Radial inclusion factor for dry mass computation ret_changed: bool Return boolean indicating whether the sphere data on disk was created/updated (True) or whether previously created ROI data was used (False). """ dir_out = pathlib.Path(dir_out).resolve() h5out = dir_out / FILE_SPHERE_DATA.format(method, model) statout = dir_out / FILE_SPHERE_STAT.format(method, model) with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5roi, h5mode="r") as qps: cfgid = util.hash_object([qps, r0, method, model, edgekw, imagekw if method == "image" else None, alpha, rad_fact]) create = mode_for_sphere_analysis(h5in=h5roi, h5out=h5out, cfgid=cfgid) # initialize file initmode = "w" if create else "r" with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5out, h5mode=initmode) as qps_out: # get all simulation identifiers from previous analysis ids_out = [qpi["identifier"] for qpi in qps_out] with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5roi, h5mode="r") as qps_in, \"w") as fd: header = ["identifier", "index", "radius_um", "rel_dry_mass_pg", "abs_dry_mass_pg", "time", "medium", ] fd.write("#" + "\t".join(header) + "\r\n") for qpi in qps_in: simident = "{}:{}:sim:{}".format(qpi["identifier"], cfgid, model) if simident in ids_out: # read simulation results with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5out, h5mode="r") as qps_out: n = qps_out[simident]["sim index"] r = qps_out[simident]["sim radius"] c = qps_out[simident]["sim center"] else: try: # fit sphere model n, r, c, qpi_sim = qpsphere.analyze(qpi, r0=r0, method=method, model=model, edgekw=edgekw, imagekw=imagekw, ret_center=True, ret_qpi=True) except qpsphere.models.excpt.UnsupportedModelParametersError: print("Skipping object {} ".format(qpi["identifier"]) + "because unsupported model parameters were " + "encountered.") continue except BaseException as exc: # Be more verbose exc.args = ("ROI {}: ".format(qpi["identifier"]) + exc.args[0],) raise # write simulation results with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5out, h5mode="a") as qps_out: qps_out.add_qpimage(qpi=qpi_sim, identifier=simident) # finally, update text file if "time" in qpi: qptime = qpi["time"] else: qptime = np.nan data = { "identifier": qpi["identifier"], "index": n, "radius_um": r * 1e6, "abs_dry_mass_pg": absolute_dry_mass_sphere( qpi=qpi, radius=r, center=c, alpha=alpha, rad_fact=rad_fact ) * 1e12, "rel_dry_mass_pg": relative_dry_mass( qpi=qpi, radius=r, center=c, alpha=alpha, rad_fact=rad_fact ) * 1e12, "time": qptime, "medium": qpi["medium index"] } fd.write("\t".join([str(data[k]) for k in header]) + "\r\n") fd.flush() if ret_changed: return h5out, create else: return h5out
[docs]def absolute_dry_mass_sphere(qpi, radius, center, alpha=.18, rad_fact=1.2): """Compute absolute dry mass of a spherical phase object The absolute dry mass is computed with .. code:: m_abs = m_rel + m_sup m_rel = lambda / (2*PI*alpha) * phi_tot * deltaA m_sup = 4*PI / (3*alpha) * radius^3 (n_med - n_PBS) with the vacuum wavelength ``lambda``, the total phase retardation in the area of interest ``phi_tot``, the pixel area ``deltaA``, the refractive index of the medium `n_med` (stored in ``qpi.meta``), and the refractive index of phosphate buffered saline (PBS) ``n_PBS=1.335``. This is the *absolute* dry mass, because it takes into account the offset caused by the suppressed density in the phase data. Parameters ---------- qpi: qpimage.QPImage QPI data center: tuble (x,y) Center of the sphere [px] radius: float Radius of the sphere [m] wavelength: float The wavelength of the light [m] alpha: float Refraction increment [mL/g] rad_fact: float Inclusion factor that scales `radius` to increase the area used for phase summation; if the backgound phase exhibits a noise phase signal, positive and negative contributions cancel out and `rad_fact` does not have an effect above a certain critical value. Returns ------- dry_mass: float The absolute dry mass of the sphere [g] """ dm_rel = relative_dry_mass(qpi=qpi, radius=radius, center=center, alpha=alpha, rad_fact=rad_fact) medium_index = qpi["medium index"] dm_sup = 4 / 3 * np.pi / (alpha * 1e-6) * \ radius**3 * (medium_index - 1.335) return dm_rel + dm_sup
[docs]def relative_dry_mass(qpi, radius, center, alpha=.18, rad_fact=1.2): """Compute relative dry mass of a circular area in QPI The dry mass is computed with m_rel = lambda / (2*PI*alpha) * phi_tot * deltaA with the vacuum wavelength `lambda`, the total phase retardation in the area of interest `phi_tot`, and the pixel area `deltaA`. This is the *relative* dry mass, because it is computed relative to the surrounding medium (phi_tot) and not relative to water. Parameters ---------- qpi: qpimage.QPImage QPI data center: tuble (x,y) Center of the area of interest [px] radius: float Radius of the area of interest [m] wavelength: float The wavelength of the light [m] alpha: float Refraction increment [mL/g] rad_fact: float Inclusion factor that scales `radius` to increase the area used for phase summation; if the backgound phase exhibits a noise phase signal, positive and negative contributions cancel out and `rad_fact` does not have an effect above a certain critical value. Returns ------- dry_mass: float The relative dry mass of the object [g] """ image = qpi.pha rincl = radius / qpi["pixel size"] * rad_fact wavelength = qpi["wavelength"] sx, sy = qpi.shape x = np.arange(sx).reshape(-1, 1) y = np.arange(sy).reshape(1, -1) discsq = ((x - center[0])**2 + (y - center[1])**2) area = discsq < rincl**2 phi_tot = np.sum(image[area]) # compute dry mass pxarea = qpi["pixel size"]**2 # convert alpha mL/g to m³/g fact = 1e-6 # [kg] dm = wavelength / (2 * np.pi * alpha * fact) * phi_tot * pxarea return dm
[docs]def mode_for_sphere_analysis(h5in, h5out, cfgid): """Determine the mode for the QPSeries file for subsequent analysis Sometimes an analysis is interrupted and the output files are still intact. This method determines whether it is possible to continue the analysis where left off or not. Parameters ---------- h5in: pathlib.Path The input QPSeries file h5out: pathlib.Path The output QPSeries file cfgid: str The configuration hash of the sphere analysis which is part of the output QPSeries analysis Returns ------- create: bool Whether the output QPSeries file is ok. This is dependent on the following scenarios: - True: There is no output QPSeries file, it is corrupt, or at least one of the qpimage identifiers is not present in the input QPSeries. - False: Some of the input QPSeries identifiers are present in the output QPSeries. """ with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5in, h5mode="r") as qps_in: # read all identifiers idsin = [qpi["identifier"] for qpi in qps_in] try: with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5out, h5mode="r") as qps_out: # read all identifiers idsout = [qpi["identifier"] for qpi in qps_out] except (IOError, OSError): # corrupt file idsout = [] valid = [] # matching identifiers bad = [] # those exist in h5out but not in h5in for oid in idsout: iid, iicfg = oid.rsplit(":", 3)[:2] if iid in idsin and iicfg == cfgid: valid.append(iid) else: bad.append(iid) return bad or not valid