Command-line interface

DryMass comes with a command line interface (CLI). To use the CLI, a command shell is required, such as the command prompt Cmd.exe on Windows, or on MacOS. Please note that if DryMass is installed in a virtual environment, then the DryMass CLI is only available if this environment is activated.

Basic commands


This command converts experimental data on disk to the TIF file format for use with Fiji/ImageJ and to the hdf5-based qpimage data file format. The experimental data files are loaded with the qpformat library, which supports several quantitative phase imaging file formats. If a specific format is not supported, please create an issue at the qpformat issue page. A typical use case of dm_convert on Windows is

dm_convert "d:\\data\path\to\experiment"

which is equivalent to

cd "data\path\to"
dm_convert experiment

If this command is run initially for an experimental data set, the user is asked to enter or confirm imaging wavelength and detector pixel size. Then, a new directory d:\\data\path\to\experiment_dm is created with the following files:


the user-editable drymass configuration file which is used in subsequent analysis steps


the experimental data (including meta data) in the hdf5-based qpimage data file format


the experimental phase and amplitude series data as a tif file, importable in Fiji/ImageJ

Note that it is possible to edit the drymass.cfg file and to re-run the dm_convert command (or any other of the commands below) with these updated parameters.


This command automatically finds and extracts regions of interest (ROIs) and performs an automated background correction for single-cell analysis. The usage is the same as that of dm_convert:

dm_extract_roi "d:\\data\path\to\experiment"

The command dm_extract_roi automatically runs dm_convert if it has not been run before. If ROI detection fails, the search parameters have to manually be updated in the drymass configuration file. The most important parameter is the diameter of the specimen in microns (”size um” in the specimen section); all other parameters are defined in the roi section. Note that the default parameters for the roi section are not written to the configuration file until dm_extract_roi is run. The following files are created by dm_extract_roi:


the extracted, background-corrected ROI data (including meta data) in the hdf5-based qpimage data file format


the extracted, background-corrected ROI data as a tif file, importable in Fiji/ImageJ


the locations of the ROIs found as a txt file


rendered sensor phase images with labeled ROIs; only created if “roi images” is set to “True” in the output section of the drymass configuration file


This command is used for the analysis of spherical phase objects such as liquid droplets, beads, or suspended cells. The basic principle is thoroughly described in reference [SSM+16]. In short, this approach assumes that the objects found with dm_extract_roi are homogeneous and spherical which allows to extract parameters such as radius and refractive index from a single phase image (as opposed to tomographic approaches that require an acquisition of multiple phase images from different directions). The parameters for the sphere analysis, such as analysis method and scattering model, are defined in the sphere section of the drymass configuration file. For an overview of the available models, please refer to the qpsphere docs. The following files are created by dm_analyze_sphere (METHOD is the analysis method and MODEL is the scattering model defined in drymass.cfg):


the quantitative sphere simulation data using MODEL with the parameters obtained with the combination of METHOD and MODEL for each of the ROIs obtained with dm_extract_roi in the hdf5-based qpimage data file format


rendered phase and intensity images of the input ROIs and the corresponding simulation, a difference, and a line plot through the phase image for visual inspection as a tif file, importable in Fiji/ImageJ


the analysis results, including refractive index, radius, and relative and absolute dry mass as a text file.

Advanced usage

Profile management with dm_profile

If some of the parameters (e.g. pixel size or wavelength) are not stored with the experimental data, DryMass will ask the user to enter these in the command prompt. This process can be time-consuming, especially if a recursive analysis is performed (see below). To simplify the analysis in such cases, DryMass has the command dm_profile, which allows to store existing DryMass configuration files in a local library and use them to analyze data.

# add a profile named "preset2018a"
dm_profile add preset2018a "d:\\data\path\to\experiment_dm\drymass.cfg"
# list all profiles within the local library (name and path will be shown)
dm_profile list
# remove the profile "preset2018a"
dm_profile remove preset2018a
# export all local profiles to a folder
dm_profile export "d:\\exported_profiles"

To use a profile stored in the local library for an analysis, simply pass its name with the command-line parameter --profile:

dm_extract_roi --profile preset2018a "d:\\data\path\to\another\experiment"

Alternatively, a configuration file may also be specified without adding it to the local library:

dm_extract_roi --profile "d:\\data\path\to\experiment_dm\drymass.cfg" "d:\\data\path\to\another\experiment"

Note that the parameters in the profile are merged with the parameters in the configuration file of the analyzed data. In other words, if a parameter is missing in the profile, the parameter of the existing drymass.cfg is used. If it is not in drymass.cfg the default value is used.

Recursive analysis

By default, the basic analysis commands only accept a single measurement as an argument. If there are several measurements, e.g.

  • d:\\data\path\to\experiments\1

  • d:\\data\path\to\experiments\2

  • d:\\data\path\to\experiments\3

  • d:\\data\path\to\experiments\4

  • d:\\data\path\to\experiments\5

then the command-line parameter --recursive can be used:

dm_extract_roi --recursive "d:\\data\path\to\experiments"

The --recursive parameter can also be combined with the --profile parameter, which allows for a largely automated analysis pipeline:

dm_extract_roi --recursive --profile preset2018a "d:\\data\path\to\experiments"