Installing DryMass

DryMass is written in pure Python and supports Python version 3.9 and later. DryMass depends on several other scientific Python packages, including:

To install DryMass, use one of the following methods (package dependencies will be installed automatically):

  • from PyPI:

    pip install drymass

  • from sources:

    pip install . or python install


If you have installed an older version of DryMass and wish to upgrade to the latest version, use

pip uninstall drymass followed by

pip install drymass.

If you wish to install a specific version of DryMass (e.g. 0.11.0), use

pip install 'drymass==0.11.0'.

Known issues

  • If you try to install from PyPI and get an error message similar to

    “Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement drymass (from versions: )
    No matching distribution found for drymass”,

    please make sure that you are using Python version 3.9 or later with python --version. If that is already the case, please run pip -vvv install drymass and create an issue with the error messages (e.g. as a screenshot) that you get.