Source code for drymass.extractroi

from os import fspath
import pathlib
import warnings

import numpy as np
import qpimage
import qpsphere
from skimage.external import tifffile
import skimage.filters

from . import search, util
from .roi import ROIManager

#: Default background correction keyword arguments
BG_DEFAULT_KW = {"fit_offset": "mean",
                 "fit_profile": "tilt",
                 "border_perc": 5,
                 "border_px": 5,
#: Output ROI qpimage.QPSeries data
FILE_ROI_DATA_H5 = "roi_data.h5"
#: Output phase/amplitude TIFF data
FILE_ROI_DATA_TIF = "roi_data.tif"
#: Output slice locations
FILE_SLICES = "roi_slices.txt"

def _bg_correct(qpi, which_data, bg_kw={}, bg_mask_thresh=None,
    if bg_kw:
        if isinstance(bg_mask_thresh, str) or bg_mask_thresh is not None:
            if which_data == "phase":
                image = qpi.pha
                image = qpi.amp
            mask1 = image2mask(image, value_or_method=bg_mask_thresh)
            mask1 = None
        if bg_mask_sphere_kw["radial_clearance"] is not None:  # sphere mask
            mask2 = qpsphere.cnvnc.bg_phase_mask_for_qpi(
            mask2 = None
        # combine masks
        if mask1 is None and mask2 is None:
            mask = None
        elif mask1 is None:
            mask = mask2
        elif mask2 is None:
            mask = mask1
            mask = np.logical_and(mask1, mask2)
        # perforn actual bg correction

def _extract_roi(h5in, h5out, slout, imout, size_m, size_var, max_ecc,
                 dist_border, pad_border, exclude_overlap, ignore_data,
                 bg_amp_kw, bg_amp_bin, bg_amp_mask_sphere_kw,
                 bg_pha_kw, bg_pha_bin, bg_pha_mask_sphere_kw,
    # Determine ROI location
    with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5in, h5mode="r") as qps:
        rmgr = ROIManager(qps.identifier)
        if search_enabled:
            for ii in range(len(qps)):
                # new indexing convention in drymass 0.6.0
                image_index = ii + 1
                qpi = qps[ii]
                # find objects
                slices = search.search_phase_objects(
                for jj, sl in enumerate(slices):
                    # new indexing convention in drymass 0.6.0
                    roi_index = jj + 1
                    slident = "{}.{}".format(qpi["identifier"], roi_index)

    # Verify ignore_data parameter
    if ignore_data:
        bad_ignore = []
        for item in ignore_data:
            if item.count("."):
                roims = rmgr.get_from_image_index(int(item.split(".")[0]))
                roims = ["{}.{}".format(r.image_index,
                                        r.roi_index) for r in roims]
                if item not in roims:
                if not rmgr.get_from_image_index(int(item)):
        if bad_ignore:
            msg = "The following ROIs/images are not present but are set in " \
                  + "`ignore_data`: {}".format(", ".join(bad_ignore))
            raise ValueError(msg)

    # Extract ROI images
    with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5in, h5mode="r") as qps, \
            qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5out, h5mode="w") as qps_roi, \
            tifffile.TiffWriter(fspath(imout), imagej=True) as tf:
        for ii in range(len(qps)):
            # new indexing convention in drymass 0.6.0
            image_index = ii + 1
            # image to analyze
            qpi = qps[ii]
            # available ROIs
            rois = rmgr.get_from_image_index(image_index)
            for jj, roi in enumerate(rois):
                # new indexing convention in drymass 0.6.0
                roi_index = jj + 1
                if is_ignored_roi(roi=roi, ignore_data=ignore_data):
                    # ignore data
                # Extract the ROI
                qpisl = qpi.__getitem__(roi.roi_slice)
                # amplitude bg correction
                # phase bg correction
                slident = "{}.{}".format(qpi["identifier"], roi_index)
                if roi.identifier != slident:
                    # This might happen if the user does not know the
                    # image identifier and builds his own `FILE_SLICES`.
                    msg = "Mismatch of slice and QPImage identifiers: " \
                          + "{} vs {}!".format(roi.identifier, slident)
                    # override `slident` with user identifier
                    slident = roi.identifier
                qps_roi.add_qpimage(qpisl, identifier=slident)

        if len(qps_roi):
            # Write TIF
            # determine largest image
            sxmax = np.max([qq.shape[0] for qq in qps_roi])
            symax = np.max([qq.shape[1] for qq in qps_roi])
            dummy = np.zeros((2, sxmax, symax), dtype=np.float32)
            for qpir in qps_roi:
                dummy[0, :, :] = 0
                dummy[1, :, :] = 1
                res = 1 / qpir["pixel size"] * 1e-6  # use µm
                sx, sy = qpir.shape
                dummy[0, :sx, :sy] = qpir.pha
                dummy[1, :sx, :sy] = qpir.amp
      , resolution=(res, res, None), compress=9)
    return rmgr

[docs]def extract_roi(h5series, dir_out, size_m, size_var=.5, max_ecc=.7, dist_border=10, pad_border=40, exclude_overlap=30., ignore_data=None, force_roi=None, bg_amp_kw=BG_DEFAULT_KW, bg_amp_bin=None, bg_amp_mask_radial_clearance=None, bg_pha_kw=BG_DEFAULT_KW, bg_pha_bin=None, bg_pha_mask_radial_clearance=None, bg_sphere_edge_kw={}, search_enabled=True, ret_roimgr=False, ret_changed=False): """Extract ROIs from a qpimage.QPSeries hdf5 file Parameters ---------- h5series: str Path of qpimage.QPSeries hdf5 file dir_out: str Path to output directory size_m: float Approximate diameter of the specimen [m] size_var: float Allowed variation relative to specimen size max_ecc: float Allowed maximal eccentricity of the specimen dist_border: int Minimum distance of objects to image border [px] pad_border: int Padding of object regions [px] exclude_overlap: float Allowed distance between two objects [px] ignore_data: list of str Identifiers for sensor images or ROIs to be excluded from further analysis. These will be labeled in the output tiff file and not written to the output qpseries file. force_roi: tuple A tuple describing the slice of the ROI to be extracted ((x1, x2), (y1, y2)). This option invalidates all other keyword arguments. If set to `None` (default) an automated search for ROIs is performed. bg_amp_kw: dict or None Amplitude image background correction keyword arguments (see :func:`qpimage.QPImage.compute_bg`), defaults to `BG_DEFAULT_KW`, set to `None` to disable correction bg_amp_bin: float, str, or None The amplitude binary threshold value or the method for binary threshold determination; see :mod:`skimage.filters` `threshold_*` methods. Disabled if set to `None`. bg_amp_mask_radial_clearance: float or None If not NaN, use :func:`qpsphere.cnvnc.bg_phase_mask_for_qpi` to compute a mask image and use it for amplitude background correction. Disabled if set to `None`. bg_pha_kw: dict or None Phase image background correction keyword arguments (see :func:`qpimage.QPImage.compute_bg`), defaults to `BG_DEFAULT_KW`, set to `None` to disable correction bg_pha_bin: float, str, or None The phase binary threshold value or the method for binary threshold determination; see :mod:`skimage.filters` `threshold_*` methods. Disabled if set to `None`. bg_pha_mask_radial_clearance: float or None If not NaN, use :func:`qpsphere.cnvnc.bg_phase_mask_for_qpi` to compute a mask image and use it for phase background correction. Disabled if set to `None`. search_enabled: bool If True, perform automated search for ROIs using the parameters above. If False, extract the ROIs from `FILE_SLICES` and only perform background correction using the `bg_*` parameters. ret_roimgr: bool Return the ROIManager instance of the found ROIs ret_changed: bool Return boolean indicating whether the ROI data on disk was created/updated (True) or whether previously created ROI data was used (False). Notes ----- The output hdf5 file `dir_out/FILE_ROI_DATA_H5` is a :class:`qpimage.QPSeries` file with the keyword "identifier" consisting of two hashes: one from the relevant arguments to this method and one from the file `dir_out/FILE_SLICES`. This is to ensure that user-manipulated data is taken into account when deciding whether the ROIs should be re-computed after an initial run. """ h5in = pathlib.Path(h5series) dout = pathlib.Path(dir_out) h5out = dout / FILE_ROI_DATA_H5 imout = dout / FILE_ROI_DATA_TIF slout = dout / FILE_SLICES with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5in, h5mode="r") as qps: cfgid = util.hash_object([qps, size_m, size_var, max_ecc, dist_border, pad_border, exclude_overlap, ignore_data, force_roi, bg_amp_kw, bg_amp_bin, bg_amp_mask_radial_clearance, bg_pha_kw, bg_pha_bin, bg_pha_mask_radial_clearance, bg_sphere_edge_kw, search_enabled, ]) # Determine whether we have to extract the ROIs if h5out.exists() and slout.exists(): slid = util.hash_file(slout) identifier = "{}-{}".format(cfgid, slid) with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5out, h5mode="r") as qpo: if qpo.identifier == identifier: create = False else: create = True else: create = True if create: if force_roi: # Setting `search_enabled` to false will cause `_extract_roi` # to use the existing slices in the file `slout`. The # `ignore_data` parameter is still honored in `extract_roi`. search_enabled = False # sanity checks assert len(force_roi) == 2 assert len(force_roi[0]) == 2 assert len(force_roi[1]) == 2 # manually generate the slices file with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5in, h5mode="r") as qps: rmgr = ROIManager(qps.identifier) for ii in range(len(qps)): image_index = ii + 1 qpi = qps[ii] sl = (slice(*force_roi[0]), slice(*force_roi[1])) roi_index = 1 slident = "{}.{}".format(qpi["identifier"], roi_index) rmgr.add(roi_slice=sl, image_index=image_index, roi_index=roi_index, identifier=slident) bg_amp_mask_sphere_kw = { "r0": size_m / 2, "edgekw": bg_sphere_edge_kw, "radial_clearance": bg_amp_mask_radial_clearance} bg_pha_mask_sphere_kw = { "r0": size_m / 2, "edgekw": bg_sphere_edge_kw, "radial_clearance": bg_pha_mask_radial_clearance} rmgr = _extract_roi( h5in=h5in, h5out=h5out, slout=slout, imout=imout, size_m=size_m, size_var=size_var, max_ecc=max_ecc, dist_border=dist_border, pad_border=pad_border, exclude_overlap=exclude_overlap, ignore_data=ignore_data, bg_amp_kw=bg_amp_kw, bg_amp_bin=bg_amp_bin, bg_amp_mask_sphere_kw=bg_amp_mask_sphere_kw, bg_pha_kw=bg_pha_kw, bg_pha_bin=bg_pha_bin, bg_pha_mask_sphere_kw=bg_pha_mask_sphere_kw, search_enabled=search_enabled, ) # manually set the identifier with the updated file slout slid = util.hash_file(slout) identifier = "{}-{}".format(cfgid, slid) with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5out, h5mode="a") as qpo: qpo.h5.attrs["identifier"] = identifier else: with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5in, h5mode="r") as qps: rmgr = ROIManager(qps.identifier) rmgr.load(slout) ret = [h5out] if ret_roimgr: ret.append(rmgr) if ret_changed: ret.append(create) if len(ret) == 1: ret = ret[0] return ret
[docs]def image2mask(image, value_or_method): """Convert an image to a binary mask Parameters ---------- image: 2d np.ndarray Input image value_or_method: float or str Either a threshold value or a string naming a filter method in :mod:`skimage.filters`. """ if isinstance(value_or_method, str): method = getattr(skimage.filters, value_or_method) return image < method(image) else: return image < value_or_method
[docs]def is_ignored_roi(roi, ignore_data): """Determine whether a specific ROI should be ignored Parameters ---------- roi: drymass.roi.ROI ROI instance ignore_data: list of str List of strings of the form "image_index" or "image_index.roi_index" that identify ROIs that should be ignored. For instance ["1.0", "2.1", "3"]. """ imid = roi.image_index roid = roi.roi_index if (ignore_data and (str(imid) in ignore_data or "{}.{}".format(imid, roid) in ignore_data)): return True else: return False