Source code for drymass.cli.dialog

import argparse
import functools
import pathlib
import shutil

import qpformat

from .._version import version

from . import definitions
from . import config
from .profile import get_profile_path

#: DryMass analysis output suffix (appended to data path)

META_MAPPER = {"medium index": ("medium index", 1),
               "pixel size um": ("pixel size", 1e6),
               "wavelength nm": ("wavelength", 1e9),

[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=32) def input_setting(path, section, key): """Ask the user for a configuration key""" cfg = config.ConfigFile(path) sec = cfg[section] description = definitions.config[section][key][2] if key not in sec or sec[key] is None: val = input("Please enter '{}' ({}): ".format(key, description)) cfg.set_value("meta", key, val)
[docs]def main(path=None, req_meta=[], description="DryMass analysis.", profile=None, recursive=False): """Main user dialog with optional "meta" kwargs required Parameters ---------- path: str, pathlib.Path, or None Path to the measurement data. If set to `None`, the command-line will be parsed. req_meta: list of str Keyword arguments of the [meta] section in drymass.cfg that are required by the current task. description: str Description of the current task. The description is displayed when the user executes a console_script entry-point with the `--help` argument. profile: str, pathlib.Path, or None A path to a 'drymass.cfg' file or a name of a profile in the local library (see :mod:`drymass.cli.profile`). If set to `None`, the default profile is used and the user is asked for missing values. recursive: bool Perform recursive search in `path`. If `path` is None, then `recursive` must be False. Instead, the `recursive` argument should be set via the command line. Returns ------- path_in: pathlib.Path or list of pathlib.Path The measurement path. If a recursive search is performed (see `recursive` parameter above), then a list of the measurement paths is returned. path_out: pathlib.Path or None The output path, i.e. the path with `_dm` appended. If a recursive search is performed, `path_out` is set to None. """ # get directories if path is None: if recursive: msg = "'recursive' must not be set when 'path' is 'None'!" raise ValueError(msg) path_in, profile, recursive = parse(description) else: path_in = pathlib.Path(path).resolve() if recursive: # perform recursive analysis # path_in is now a list print("Recursing into directory tree... ", end="", flush=True) path_list = recursive_search(path=path_in) if not path_list: msg = "Recursive search did not find any series data in " \ + "'{}'!".format(path_in) raise IOError(msg) print("Done.") # path_out is set to None when recursive search is used path_out = None for ii, pi in enumerate(path_list): # request necessary metadata for each measurement # before the actual analysis is done. print("Input {}/{}: {}".format(ii+1, len(path_list), pi)) main(path=pi, profile=profile, req_meta=req_meta) path_in = path_list else: # verify data set try: qpformat.load_data(path_in) except qpformat.BadFileFormatError as e: msg = "For a recursive search, please pass the " \ + "command line parameter '-r'." e.args = ("; ".join(list(e.args) + [msg]),) raise # perform regular analysis path_out = path_in.with_name( + OUTPUT_SUFFIX) path_out.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if path is None: # print directories only if taken from command line print("Input: {}".format(path_in)) print("Output: {}".format(path_out)) if profile: # use a user-specified profile ppath = get_profile_path(profile) shutil.copy(ppath, path_out / config.FILE_CONFIG) # get known meta data kwargs from dataset transfer_meta_data(path_in, path_out) # user input missing meta data keyword values for mm in sorted(req_meta): input_setting(path=path_out, section="meta", key=mm) return path_in, path_out
[docs]@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=32) # cached to avoid multiple prints def parse(description="DryMass analysis."): """Obtain the input data set path by parsing the command line""" print("DryMass version {}".format(version)) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument('path', metavar='path', nargs='+', type=str, help='Data path') parser.add_argument("-p", "--profile", help="Use an existing profile for data analysis. " + "The profile can be either a path to a " + "'drymass.cfg' file or profile in the " + "local library (see `dm_profile` command).", default=None, type=str) parser.add_argument("-r", "--recursive", help="Recursively search for measurement data " + "and run DryMass separately for each folder.", default=False, action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() # Workaround: We use nargs='+' and join the input to support white # spaces in path names. jpath = " ".join(args.path) path_in = pathlib.Path(jpath).resolve() if args.recursive and not path_in.is_dir(): msg = "Given path must be directory in recursive mode; " \ + "got '{}'!".format(path_in) raise ValueError(msg) return path_in, args.profile, args.recursive
[docs]def transfer_meta_data(path_in, path_out): """Read input meta data and write it to the configuration file""" ds = qpformat.load_data(path=path_in) cfg = config.ConfigFile(path_out) sec = cfg["meta"] for key in sorted(META_MAPPER): dskey, mult = META_MAPPER[key] if (key not in sec or sec[key] is None) and dskey in ds.meta_data: cfg.set_value("meta", key, ds.meta_data[dskey] * mult)