Source code for drymass.cli

import io
from os import fspath
import pathlib
import sys

import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import numpy as np
import qpimage
from skimage.external import tifffile

from . import config
from . import dialog
from . import plot

from ..anasphere import analyze_sphere
from ..converter import convert
from ..extractroi import extract_roi

#: Matplotlib images of sensor data with labeled ROI (TIFF)
FILE_SENSOR_WITH_ROI_IMAGE = "sensor_roi_images.tif"
#: Matplotlib images of sphere analysis (TIFF)
FILE_SPHERE_ANALYSIS_IMAGE = "sphere_{}_{}_images.tif"

[docs]def cli_analyze_sphere(path=None, ret_data=False, verbose=1): """Perform sphere analysis""" description = "Determine integral refractive index, radius, and " \ + "related parameters by inferring spherical symmetry " \ + "for each phase object found." path_in, path_out = dialog.main(path=path, req_meta=["medium index", "pixel size um", "wavelength nm"], description=description) if isinstance(path_in, list): # recursive analysis for ii, pi in enumerate(path_in): print("Analyzing dataset {}/{}.".format(ii+1, len(path_in))) cli_analyze_sphere(path=pi, verbose=0) # nothing else to do return cfg = config.ConfigFile(path_out) h5roi = cli_extract_roi(path=path_in, ret_data=True) print("Performing sphere analysis... ", end="", flush=True) # canny edge detection parameters edgekw = { "clip_rmin": cfg["sphere"]["edge clip radius min"], "clip_rmax": cfg["sphere"]["edge clip radius max"], "mult_coarse": cfg["sphere"]["edge coarse"], "mult_fine": cfg["sphere"]["edge fine"], "maxiter": cfg["sphere"]["edge iter"], } # image fitting parameters imagekw = { "crel": cfg["sphere"]["image fit range position"], "rrel": cfg["sphere"]["image fit range radius"], "nrel": cfg["sphere"]["image fit range refractive index"], "fix_pha_offset": cfg["sphere"]["image fix phase offset"], "max_iter": cfg["sphere"]["image iter"], "stop_dc": cfg["sphere"]["image stop delta position"], "stop_dr": cfg["sphere"]["image stop delta radius"], "stop_dn": cfg["sphere"]["image stop delta refractive index"], "verbose": cfg["sphere"]["image verbosity"], } h5sim, changed = analyze_sphere( h5roi=h5roi, dir_out=path_out, r0=cfg["specimen"]["size um"] / 2 * 1e-6, method=cfg["sphere"]["method"], model=cfg["sphere"]["model"], alpha=cfg["sphere"]["refraction increment"], rad_fact=cfg["sphere"]["radial inclusion factor"], edgekw=edgekw, imagekw=imagekw, ret_changed=True, ) print("Done.") if changed and cfg["output"]["sphere images"]: print("Plotting sphere images... ", end="", flush=True) tifout = path_out / FILE_SPHERE_ANALYSIS_IMAGE.format( cfg["sphere"]["method"], cfg["sphere"]["model"] ) # plot h5series and rmgr with matplotlib with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5roi, h5mode="r") as qps_roi, \ qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5sim, h5mode="r") as qps_sim, \ tifffile.TiffWriter(fspath(tifout), imagej=True) as tf: for ii in range(len(qps_roi)): qpi_real = qps_roi[ii] qpi_sim = qps_sim[ii] assert qpi_real["identifier"] in qpi_sim["identifier"] imio = io.BytesIO() plot.plot_qpi_sphere(qpi_real=qpi_real, qpi_sim=qpi_sim, path=imio, simtype=cfg["sphere"]["model"]) imdat = (mpimg.imread(imio) * 255).astype("uint8"), compress=9) print("Done") if ret_data: return h5sim
[docs]def cli_convert(path=None, ret_data=False): """Convert input data to QPSeries data""" description = "Convert raw quantitative phase microscopy data to " \ + "the qpimage file format for further analysis in " \ + "DryMass." path_in, path_out = dialog.main(path=path, req_meta=["pixel size um", "wavelength nm"], description=description) if isinstance(path_in, list): # recursive analysis for ii, pi in enumerate(path_in): print("Analyzing dataset {}/{}.".format(ii+1, len(path_in))) cli_convert(path=pi) # nothing else to do return cfg = config.ConfigFile(path_out) print("Converting input data... ", end="", flush=True) meta_data = {"pixel size": cfg["meta"]["pixel size um"] * 1e-6, "wavelength": cfg["meta"]["wavelength nm"] * 1e-9, "medium index": cfg["meta"]["medium index"], } holo_kw = {"filter_name": cfg["holo"]["filter name"], "filter_size": cfg["holo"]["filter size"], "sideband": cfg["holo"]["sideband"], } bg_data_amp = parse_bg_value(cfg["bg"]["amplitude data"], reldir=path_in.parent) bg_data_pha = parse_bg_value(cfg["bg"]["phase data"], reldir=path_in.parent) h5series, ds, changed = convert(path_in=path_in, dir_out=path_out, meta_data=meta_data, holo_kw=holo_kw, bg_data_amp=bg_data_amp, bg_data_pha=bg_data_pha, write_tif=cfg["output"]["sensor tif data"], ret_dataset=True, ret_changed=True, ) if "hologram" not in ds.storage_type: # remove "holo" section from configuration cfg.remove_section("holo") if changed: print("Done.") else: print("Reusing.") if ret_data: return h5series
[docs]def cli_extract_roi(path=None, ret_data=False): """Extract regions of interest""" description = "Extract reqions of interest in quantitative phase" \ + "microscopy data for further analysis in DryMass." path_in, path_out = dialog.main(path=path, description=description) if isinstance(path_in, list): # recursive analysis for ii, pi in enumerate(path_in): print("Analyzing dataset {}/{}.".format(ii+1, len(path_in))) cli_extract_roi(path=pi) # nothing else to do return # cli_convert will ask for the required meta data h5series = cli_convert(path=path_in, ret_data=True) # get the configuration after cli_convert was run cfg = config.ConfigFile(path_out) print("Extracting ROIs... ", end="", flush=True) # background correction if cfg["bg"]["enabled"]: bg_amp_kw = {"fit_offset": cfg["bg"]["amplitude offset"], "fit_profile": cfg["bg"]["amplitude profile"], "border_perc": cfg["bg"]["amplitude border perc"], "border_px": cfg["bg"]["amplitude border px"], } bg_pha_kw = {"fit_offset": cfg["bg"]["phase offset"], "fit_profile": cfg["bg"]["phase profile"], "border_perc": cfg["bg"]["phase border perc"], "border_px": cfg["bg"]["phase border px"], } # Only get the Canny edge detection parameters if needed if not (np.isnan(cfg["bg"]["phase mask sphere"]) and np.isnan(cfg["bg"]["amplitude mask sphere"])): dialog.main(path=path, req_meta=["medium index"]) # This will generate the [sphere] section in drymass.cfg edge_kw = { "clip_rmin": cfg["sphere"]["edge clip radius min"], "clip_rmax": cfg["sphere"]["edge clip radius max"], "mult_coarse": cfg["sphere"]["edge coarse"], "mult_fine": cfg["sphere"]["edge fine"], "maxiter": cfg["sphere"]["edge iter"], } else: edge_kw = {} else: bg_amp_kw = None bg_pha_kw = None edge_kw = {} h5roi, rmgr, changed = extract_roi( h5series=h5series, dir_out=path_out, size_m=cfg["specimen"]["size um"] * 1e-6, size_var=cfg["roi"]["size variation"], max_ecc=cfg["roi"]["eccentricity max"], dist_border=cfg["roi"]["dist border px"], pad_border=cfg["roi"]["pad border px"], exclude_overlap=cfg["roi"]["exclude overlap px"], ignore_data=cfg["roi"]["ignore data"], bg_amp_kw=bg_amp_kw, bg_amp_bin=cfg["bg"]["amplitude binary threshold"], bg_amp_mask_radial_clearance=cfg["bg"]["amplitude mask sphere"], bg_pha_kw=bg_pha_kw, bg_pha_bin=cfg["bg"]["phase binary threshold"], bg_pha_mask_radial_clearance=cfg["bg"]["phase mask sphere"], bg_sphere_edge_kw=edge_kw, search_enabled=cfg["roi"]["enabled"], ret_roimgr=True, ret_changed=True, ) if changed: print("Done.") else: print("Reusing.") if len(rmgr) == 0: print("No ROIs could be found!\n" + "Please try editing '{}':\n".format(cfg.path) + "- correct specimen size " + "({})\n".format(strpar(cfg, "specimen", "size um")) + "- increase allowed size variation " + "({})\n".format(strpar(cfg, "roi", "size variation")) + "- increase maximum allowed eccentricity " + "({})\n".format(strpar(cfg, "roi", "eccentricity max")) + "- reduce minimum distance to image border in pixels " + "({})\n".format(strpar(cfg, "roi", "dist border px")) + "- reduce minimum distance inbetween ROIs " + "({})".format(strpar(cfg, "roi", "exclude overlap px")) ) sys.exit(1) if changed and cfg["output"]["roi images"]: print("Plotting detected ROIs... ", end="", flush=True) tifout = path_out / FILE_SENSOR_WITH_ROI_IMAGE # plot h5series and rmgr with matplotlib with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5series, h5mode="r") as qps, \ tifffile.TiffWriter(fspath(tifout), imagej=True) as tf: for ii in range(len(qps)): # new indexing convention in drymass 0.6.0 image_index = ii + 1 rois = rmgr.get_from_image_index(image_index) imio = io.BytesIO() plot.plot_qpi_phase(qps[ii], rois=rois, path=imio, labels_excluded=cfg["roi"]["ignore data"]) imdat = (mpimg.imread(imio) * 255).astype("uint8"), compress=9) print("Done") if ret_data: return h5roi
[docs]def parse_bg_value(bg, reldir): """Determine the background to use from the configuration key""" if isinstance(bg, str): # can be a file name relative to the input directory # or an absolute path. reldir = pathlib.Path(reldir) path = reldir / bg if not path.exists(): path = pathlib.Path(bg) bg = path return bg
[docs]def strpar(cfg, section, key): """String representation of a section/key combination""" return "[{}] {} = {}".format(section, key, cfg[section][key])