Source code for drymass.extractroi

from os import fspath
import pathlib
import warnings

import numpy as np
import qpimage
import qpsphere
from skimage.external import tifffile
import skimage.filters

from . import search, util
from .roi import ROIManager

#: Default background correction keyword arguments
BG_DEFAULT_KW = {"fit_offset": "mean",
                 "fit_profile": "tilt",
                 "border_perc": 5,
                 "border_px": 5,
#: Output ROI qpimage.QPSeries data
FILE_ROI_DATA_H5 = "roi_data.h5"
#: Output phase/amplitude TIFF data
FILE_ROI_DATA_TIF = "roi_data.tif"
#: Output slice locations
FILE_SLICES = "roi_slices.txt"

def _bg_correct(qpi, which_data, bg_kw={}, bg_mask_thresh=np.nan,
    if bg_kw:
        if isinstance(bg_mask_thresh, str) or not np.isnan(bg_mask_thresh):
            if which_data == "phase":
                image = qpi.pha
                image = qpi.amp
            mask1 = image2mask(image,
            mask1 = None
        if not np.isnan(bg_mask_sphere_kw["radial_clearance"]):  # sphere mask
            mask2 = qpsphere.cnvnc.bg_phase_mask_for_qpi(
            mask2 = None
        # combine masks
        if mask1 is None and mask2 is None:
            mask = None
        elif mask1 is None:
            mask = mask2
        elif mask2 is None:
            mask = mask1
            mask = np.logical_and(mask1, mask2)
        # perforn actual bg correction

def _extract_roi(h5in, h5out, slout, imout, size_m, size_var, max_ecc,
                 dist_border, pad_border, exclude_overlap,
                 bg_amp_kw, bg_amp_bin, bg_amp_mask_sphere_kw,
                 bg_pha_kw, bg_pha_bin, bg_pha_mask_sphere_kw,
    # Determine ROI location
    with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5in, h5mode="r") as qps:
        rmgr = ROIManager(qps.identifier)
        if search_enabled:
            for ii in range(len(qps)):
                qpi = qps[ii]
                # find objects
                slices = search.search_phase_objects(
                for jj, sl in enumerate(slices):
                    slident = "{}.{}".format(qpi["identifier"], jj)
                    rmgr.add(roislice=sl, image_index=ii,
                             roi_index=jj, identifier=slident)

    # Extract ROI images
    with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5in, h5mode="r") as qps, \
            qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5out, h5mode="w") as qps_roi, \
            tifffile.TiffWriter(fspath(imout), imagej=True) as tf:
        for ii in range(len(qps)):
            # image to analyze
            qpi = qps[ii]
            # available ROIs
            rois = rmgr.get_from_image_index(ii)
            for jj, (rid, sl) in enumerate(rois):
                # Extract the ROI
                qpisl = qpi.__getitem__(sl)
                # amplitude bg correction
                # phase bg correction
                slident = "{}.{}".format(qpi["identifier"], jj)
                if rid != slident:
                    # This might happen if the user does not know the
                    # image identifier and builds his own `FILE_SLICES`.
                    msg = "Mismatch of slice and QPImage identifiers: " \
                          + "{} vs {}!".format(rid, slident)
                    # override `slident` with user identifier
                    slident = rid
                qps_roi.add_qpimage(qpisl, identifier=slident)

        if len(qps_roi):
            # Write TIF
            # determine largest image
            sxmax = np.max([qq.shape[0] for qq in qps_roi])
            symax = np.max([qq.shape[1] for qq in qps_roi])
            dummy = np.zeros((2, sxmax, symax), dtype=np.float32)
            for qpir in qps_roi:
                dummy[0, :, :] = 0
                dummy[1, :, :] = 1
                res = 1 / qpir["pixel size"] * 1e-6  # use µm
                sx, sy = qpir.shape
                dummy[0, :sx, :sy] = qpir.pha
                dummy[1, :sx, :sy] = qpir.amp
      , resolution=(res, res, None))
    return rmgr

[docs]def extract_roi(h5series, dir_out, size_m, size_var=.5, max_ecc=.7, dist_border=10, pad_border=40, exclude_overlap=30., bg_amp_kw=BG_DEFAULT_KW, bg_amp_bin=np.nan, bg_amp_mask_radial_clearance=np.nan, bg_pha_kw=BG_DEFAULT_KW, bg_pha_bin=np.nan, bg_pha_mask_radial_clearance=np.nan, bg_sphere_edge_kw={}, search_enabled=True, ret_roimgr=False, ret_changed=False): """Extract ROIs from a qpimage.QPSeries hdf5 file Parameters ---------- h5series: str Path of qpimage.QPSeries hdf5 file dir_out: str Path to output directory size_m: float Approximate diameter of the specimen [m] size_var: float Allowed variation relative to specimen size max_ecc: float Allowed maximal eccentricity of the specimen dist_border: int Minimum distance of objects to image border [px] pad_border: int Padding of object regions [px] exclude_overlap: float Allowed distance between two objects [px] bg_amp_kw: dict or None Amplitude image background correction keyword arguments (see :func:`qpimage.QPImage.compute_bg`), defaults to `BG_DEFAULT_KW`, set to `None` to disable correction bg_amp_bin: float or str The amplitude binary threshold value or the method for binary threshold determination; see :mod:`skimage.filters` `threshold_*` methods bg_amp_mask_radial_clearance: float If not NaN, use :func:`qpsphere.cnvnc.bg_phase_mask_for_qpi` to compute a mask image and use it for amplitude background correction. bg_pha_kw: dict or None Phase image background correction keyword arguments (see :func:`qpimage.QPImage.compute_bg`), defaults to `BG_DEFAULT_KW`, set to `None` to disable correction bg_pha_bin: float or str The phase binary threshold value or the method for binary threshold determination; see :mod:`skimage.filters` `threshold_*` methods bg_pha_mask_radial_clearance: float If not NaN, use :func:`qpsphere.cnvnc.bg_phase_mask_for_qpi` to compute a mask image and use it for phase background correction. search_enabled: bool If True, perform automated search for ROIs using the parameters above. If False, extract the ROIs from `FILE_SLICES` and only perform background correction using the `bg_*` parameters. ret_roimgr: bool Return the ROIManager instance of the found ROIs ret_changed: bool Return boolean indicating whether the ROI data on disk was created/updated (True) or whether previously created ROI data was used (False). Notes ----- The output hdf5 file `dir_out/FILE_ROI_DATA_H5` is a :class:`qpimage.QPSeries` file with the keyword "identifier" consisting of two hashes: one from the relevant arguments to this method and one from the file `dir_out/FILE_SLICES`. This is to ensure that user-manipulated data is taken into account when deciding whether the ROIs should be re-computed after an initial run. """ h5in = pathlib.Path(h5series) dout = pathlib.Path(dir_out) h5out = dout / FILE_ROI_DATA_H5 imout = dout / FILE_ROI_DATA_TIF slout = dout / FILE_SLICES with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5in, h5mode="r") as qps: cfgid = util.hash_object([qps, size_m, size_var, max_ecc, dist_border, pad_border, exclude_overlap, bg_amp_kw, bg_amp_bin, bg_amp_mask_radial_clearance, bg_pha_kw, bg_pha_bin, bg_pha_mask_radial_clearance, bg_sphere_edge_kw, search_enabled, ]) # Determine whether we have to extract the ROIs if h5out.exists() and slout.exists(): slid = util.hash_file(slout) identifier = "{}-{}".format(cfgid, slid) with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5out, h5mode="r") as qpo: if qpo.identifier == identifier: create = False else: create = True else: create = True if create: bg_amp_mask_sphere_kw = { "r0": size_m / 2, "edgekw": bg_sphere_edge_kw, "radial_clearance": bg_amp_mask_radial_clearance} bg_pha_mask_sphere_kw = { "r0": size_m / 2, "edgekw": bg_sphere_edge_kw, "radial_clearance": bg_pha_mask_radial_clearance} rmgr = _extract_roi( h5in=h5in, h5out=h5out, slout=slout, imout=imout, size_m=size_m, size_var=size_var, max_ecc=max_ecc, dist_border=dist_border, pad_border=pad_border, exclude_overlap=exclude_overlap, bg_amp_kw=bg_amp_kw, bg_amp_bin=bg_amp_bin, bg_amp_mask_sphere_kw=bg_amp_mask_sphere_kw, bg_pha_kw=bg_pha_kw, bg_pha_bin=bg_pha_bin, bg_pha_mask_sphere_kw=bg_pha_mask_sphere_kw, search_enabled=search_enabled, ) # manually set the identifier with the updated file slout slid = util.hash_file(slout) identifier = "{}-{}".format(cfgid, slid) with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5out, h5mode="a") as qpo: qpo.h5.attrs["identifier"] = identifier else: with qpimage.QPSeries(h5file=h5in, h5mode="r") as qps: rmgr = ROIManager(qps.identifier) rmgr.load(slout) ret = [h5out] if ret_roimgr: ret.append(rmgr) if ret_changed: ret.append(create) if len(ret) == 1: ret = ret[0] return ret
[docs]def image2mask(image, value_or_method): """Convert an image to a binary mask Parameters ---------- image: 2d np.ndarray Input image value_or_method: float or str Either a threshold value or a string naming a filter method in :mod:`skimage.filters`. """ if isinstance(value_or_method, str): method = getattr(skimage.filters, value_or_method) return image < method(image) else: return image < value_or_method