Source code for

import numpy as np
import skimage.filters as skfilters
from skimage.segmentation import clear_border
from skimage.morphology import label
from skimage.measure import regionprops

from . import threshold as thr

[docs]def approx_bg(data, filter_size=None): """Approximate the image background with Gaussian convolution Parameters ---------- data: 2d ndarray Data from which to compute the background size: float Approximate size of the objects on the background. The size of the Gaussian is heuristically determined with .. math:: \\sigma = 5 \\cdot \\texttt{size} Returns ------- Approximate background of `data`. """ if filter_size is None: filter_size = np.sum(data.shape) / 6 a = np.fft.fft2(data) x = np.fft.fftfreq(data.shape[0]).reshape(-1, 1) y = np.fft.fftfreq(data.shape[1]).reshape(1, -1) sigma = 1 / (5 * filter_size) gauss = np.exp(-(x**2 + y**2) / (2 * sigma**2)) gauss /= np.max(gauss) b = a * gauss bg = np.fft.ifft2(b) return bg.real
[docs]def search_objects_base(image, size=110, size_var=.5, max_ecc=.7, dist_border=10, threshold="li", verbose=False): """Search objects in images The wrapper :func:`search_phase_objects` implements a more robust (heuristic) way of finding objects. Parameters ---------- image: 2d ndarray Input image size: float Approximate diameter of phase objects in pixels size_var: float Allowed variation in size (relative to `size`) for the detected objects max_ecc: float in interval [0,1) Maximal eccentricity of the objects. The eccentricity of a circle is zero. For an ellipse it is defined as .. math:: \\varepsilon=\\sqrt{\\frac{a^2-b^2}{a^2}} = \\sqrt{1-\\left(\\frac{b}{a}\\right)^2} = f/a. dist_border: float Minimum distance of detected regions to the borders of the image in pixels threshold: float or str Thresholding value or method used; see :const:`drymass.threshold.available_thresholds` verbose: bool If `True`, print information about ignored regions Returns ------- rois: list of regionprops Found regions See Also -------- skimage.filters.threshold_otsu: threshold for finding objects skimage.segmentation.clear_border: remove regions at the border skimage.morphology.label: identify regions in binary images """ if np.allclose(image, 0, atol=1e-14, rtol=0): # phase images are zero # no regions can be found return [] if size_var >= 1 or size_var <= 0: msg = "Parameter 'size_var' must be in interval (0, 1), " \ + "got '{}'!".format(size_var) raise ValueError(msg) if isinstance(threshold, str): # apply local threshold block_size = ((3*size) // 2) * 2 + 1 # odd block size locthr = skfilters.threshold_local(image, block_size=block_size) image = image - locthr # threshold image threshold_func = thr.threshold_dict[threshold] thresh = threshold_func(image) else: # It is assumed that the user wants to define the threshold # based on the sensor images, so we don't apply a local threshold. thresh = threshold bw = image > thresh # label image regions object_labels = label(bw) # remove artifacts connected to image border if dist_border: clear_border(object_labels, buffer_size=int(dist_border), in_place=True) used_regions = [] # Filter/draw regions ignored_regions = [] for region in regionprops(object_labels): ds = size * size_var if (region.eccentricity > max_ecc or region.equivalent_diameter > size + ds or region.equivalent_diameter < size - ds): ignored_regions.append(region) else: used_regions.append(region) if verbose and len(ignored_regions) > 0: msg = "The following regions were ignored:\n" regs = [] for reg in ignored_regions: regs.append(" - size: {: 7.1f}px, eccentricity: {:.1f}".format( reg.equivalent_diameter, reg.eccentricity ) ) msg += "\n".join(regs) print(msg) return used_regions
[docs]def search_phase_objects(qpi, size_m, size_var=.5, max_ecc=.7, dist_border=10, pad_border=40, exclude_overlap=30., threshold="li", verbose=False): """Search phase objects in quantitative phase images Parameters ---------- qpi: qpimage.QPImage Quantitative phase data size_m: float Expected size of the phase objects size_var: float Allowed variation in size (relative to `size`) for the detected objects max_ecc: float in interval [0,1) Maximal eccentricity of the objects. The eccentricity of a circle is zero. For an ellipse it is defined as .. math:: \\varepsilon=\\sqrt{\\frac{a^2-b^2}{a^2}} = \\sqrt{1-\\left(\\frac{b}{a}\\right)^2} = f/a. dist_border: int Minimum distance of detected regions to the borders of the image in pixels pad_border: int Pad the regions of all objects exclude_overlap: float Allowed distance in pixels between two detected regions (without `pad_border`) threshold: float or str Thresholding value or method used; see :const:`drymass.threshold.available_thresholds` verbose: bool If `True`, print information about ignored regions Returns ------- slices: list of slice Notes ----- Description of the heuristic search algorithm: 1. Search phase objects in `qpi.raw_pha` with a background correction computed from the gaussian-filtered image 2. If no objects were found and `qpi.bg_pha` is nonzero, search objects in `qpi.pha`. 3. Search objects in `qpi.bg_pha` and remove any overlaps with the previously obtained regions. See Also -------- search_objects_base: underlying search algorithm approx_bg: gaussian-filtered background estimation """ kwfind = {"size": size_m / qpi["pixel size"], "size_var": size_var, "max_ecc": max_ecc, "dist_border": dist_border, "threshold": threshold, "verbose": verbose, } phase = qpi.raw_pha bgphase = qpi.bg_pha # Search for regions # First, compute regions with automatic background estimation bgphase_est = approx_bg(phase) regs = search_objects_base(phase - bgphase_est, **kwfind) # If this does not work, try with the provided background if len(regs) == 0 and not np.all(bgphase == 0): regs = search_objects_base(phase - bgphase, **kwfind) # Detect objects in the background image if not np.all(bgphase == 0): bgphasecorr = bgphase - approx_bg(bgphase) bgregs = search_objects_base(bgphasecorr, **kwfind) else: bgregs = [] # Filtering # Filter regions that overlap with regions in the background delregs = [] for rr in regs: for bb in bgregs: dst = np.sqrt((rr.centroid[0] - bb.centroid[0])**2 + (rr.centroid[1] - bb.centroid[1])**2 ) olap = (rr.equivalent_diameter + bb.equivalent_diameter) / 2 - dst if olap + exclude_overlap > 0 and rr not in delregs: delregs.append(rr) for dd in delregs: regs.remove(dd) # Filter regions that overlap with regions in the image delregs = [] for rr in regs: for bb in regs: if rr == bb: continue dst = np.sqrt((rr.centroid[0] - bb.centroid[0])**2 + (rr.centroid[1] - bb.centroid[1])**2 ) olap = (rr.equivalent_diameter + bb.equivalent_diameter) / 2 - dst if olap + exclude_overlap > 0: delregs.append(rr) for dd in delregs: if dd in regs: # make sure `dd` is removed only once regs.remove(dd) # Create slices and pad the region sizes slices = [] for re in regs: x1, y1, x2, y2 = re.bbox x1 = max(0, x1 - pad_border) y1 = max(0, y1 - pad_border) x2 = min(qpi.shape[0], x2 + pad_border) y2 = min(qpi.shape[1], y2 + pad_border) slices.append((slice(x1, x2), slice(y1, y2))) return slices