Source code for drymass.cli.plot

import copy

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
import numpy as np

from ..import extractroi

CM_PHASE = "viridis"
CM_PHASE_ERROR = copy.copy(plt.get_cmap("seismic"))

    mpl.rcParams[''] = "sans-serif"
    mpl.rcParams["text.usetex"] = False
except TypeError:  # building the docs

[docs]def add_cbar(ax, mapper, fmt="%.2f", units="", loc="right", size="5%", labelloc=None, extend="neither"): """Add a colorbar to a plot""" if labelloc is None: labelloc = loc divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes(loc, size=size, pad=0.05) if units: cax.set_title(units, ha="left", loc="center", fontsize=11) acbar = plt.colorbar(mapper, cax=cax, format=fmt, extend=extend) return acbar
[docs]def plot_image(data, ax=None, imtype="phase", cbar=True, px_um=None, ret_cbar=False, cbformat=None, **kwargs): """Plot an image Parameters ---------- data: 2d np.ndarray Input image ax: matplotlib.Axes Axis to plot to imtype: str One of ["intensity", "phase", "phase error", "refractive index"]. cbar: bool Whether to add a colorbar. px_um: float Pixel size [µm] ret_cbar: bool Whether to return the colorbar. kwargs: dict Keyword arguments to `plt.imshow`. Returns ------- ax [, cbar]: Axis and colorbar. """ if ax is None: ax = plt.subplot(111) cbkw = {} if cbformat is None: cbkw["fmt"] = "%.3f" else: cbkw["fmt"] = cbformat if imtype == "phase": cmap = CM_PHASE gridcolor = "w" if cbformat is None: cbkw["fmt"] = "%.1f" cbkw["units"] = "[rad]" elif imtype == "intensity": cmap = CM_INTENSITY gridcolor = "k" cbkw["units"] = "[a.u.]" # Make sure gray is at 1 in the colormap if "vmin" in kwargs and "vmax" in kwargs: vmin = kwargs["vmin"] vmax = kwargs["vmax"] if vmin < 1 and vmax > 1: diff = max(1 - vmin, vmax - 1) kwargs["vmin"] = 1 - diff kwargs["vmax"] = 1 + diff elif imtype == "refractive index": cmap = CM_REFRACTIVE_INDEX gridcolor = "w" cbkw["units"] = "" elif imtype == "phase error": cmap = CM_PHASE_ERROR gridcolor = "k" if "vmin" not in kwargs and "vmax" not in kwargs: vmax = np.max(np.abs(data)) kwargs["vmax"] = vmax kwargs["vmin"] = -vmax cbkw["units"] = "[rad]" cbkw["extend"] = "both" else: raise ValueError("Unknown image type: {}".format(imtype)) if px_um is None: shx, shy = np.array(data.shape) unit = "px" else: shx, shy = np.array(data.shape) * px_um unit = "µm" mapper = ax.imshow(data, cmap=cmap, extent=(0, shy, 0, shx), interpolation="bilinear", origin="lower", **kwargs) ax.set_xlabel("x [{}]".format(unit)) ax.set_ylabel("y [{}]".format(unit)) ax.grid(color=gridcolor, lw="1", alpha=.1) retval = [ax] if cbar: acbar = add_cbar(ax=ax, mapper=mapper, **cbkw) if ret_cbar: retval.append(acbar) if len(retval) == 1: return retval[0] else: return retval
[docs]def plot_qpi_phase(qpi, rois=None, path=None, labels_excluded=[]): """Plot phase data""" fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)) ax1 = plt.subplot(111) px_um = qpi["pixel size"] * 1e6 plot_image(data=qpi.pha, ax=ax1, imtype="phase", cbar=True, px_um=px_um) if rois: for roi in rois: slx, sly = roi.roi_slice x0 = slx.start * px_um x1 = slx.stop * px_um y0 = sly.start * px_um y1 = sly.stop * px_um if extractroi.is_ignored_roi(roi=roi, ignore_data=labels_excluded): color = "r" ax1.text(y1, x1, "excluded", horizontalalignment="right", verticalalignment="top", color=color) else: color = "w" box = mpl.patches.Rectangle(xy=(y0, x0), width=y1 - y0, height=x1 - x0, facecolor="none", edgecolor=color, ) ax1.add_patch(box) ax1.text(y0, x0, roi.identifier, horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="bottom", color=color) plt.tight_layout(rect=(0, 0, 1, .93), pad=.1) fig.text(x=.5, y=.99, s="sensor phase image", verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=14) if path: fig.savefig(path) plt.close() else: return fig
[docs]def plot_qpi_sphere(qpi_real, qpi_sim, path=None, simtype="simulation"): """Plot QPI sphere analysis data""" fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5)) px_um = qpi_real["pixel size"] * 1e6 radius_um = qpi_sim["sim radius"] * 1e6 center = qpi_sim["sim center"] index = qpi_sim["sim index"] real_phase = qpi_real.pha kw_phase = {"px_um": px_um, "cbar": True, "imtype": "phase", "vmin": real_phase.min(), "vmax": real_phase.max(), } real_inten = qpi_real.amp**2 kw_inten = {"px_um": px_um, "cbar": True, "imtype": "intensity", "vmin": real_inten.min(), "vmax": real_inten.max(), } # real phase ax1 = plt.subplot(231, title="data (phase)") plot_image(data=real_phase, ax=ax1, **kw_phase) # simulated phase ax2 = plt.subplot(232, title=simtype + " (phase)") plot_image(data=qpi_sim.pha, ax=ax2, **kw_phase) ax2.text(0.01, .99, "index: {:.5f}\n".format(index) + "radius: {:.3f}µm".format(radius_um), horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="top", color="w", transform=ax2.transAxes, ) # phase residuals ax3 = plt.subplot(233, title="phase residuals") errmax = qpi_sim.pha.max() * .2 plot_image(data=qpi_sim.pha - real_phase, ax=ax3, imtype="phase error", vmax=errmax, vmin=-errmax, px_um=px_um) # real intensity ax4 = plt.subplot(234, title="data (intensity)") plot_image(data=real_inten, ax=ax4, **kw_inten) # computed intensity ax5 = plt.subplot(235) if len(simtype) > 9: # sometimes the title is too long and is printed on top of the units kw5 = {"loc": "right", "ha": "right"} else: kw5 = {} ax5.set_title(simtype + " (intensity)", **kw5) plot_image(data=qpi_sim.amp**2, ax=ax5, **kw_inten) # plot detected radius for ax in [ax1, ax2, ax4, ax5]: circ = mpl.patches.Circle(xy=((center[1] + .5) * px_um, (center[0] + .5) * px_um), radius=radius_um, facecolor="none", edgecolor="w", ls=(0, (3, 8)), lw=.5, ) ax.add_patch(circ) # line plot through center ax6 = plt.subplot(236, title="phase line plot") if int(center[0]) >= 0 and int(center[0]) < qpi_sim.shape[0]: x = np.arange(qpi_real.shape[1]) * px_um ax6.plot(x, qpi_sim.pha[int(center[0])], label=simtype) ax6.plot(x, qpi_real.pha[int(center[0])], label="data") ax6.set_xlabel("[µm]") ax6.legend(loc="center right") # remove unused labels for ax in [ax1, ax2, ax3]: ax.set_xlabel("") for ax in [ax2, ax3, ax5]: ax.set_ylabel("") plt.tight_layout(rect=(0, 0, 1, .93), pad=.1, h_pad=.6) # add identifier fig.text(x=.5, y=.99, s=qpi_sim["identifier"], verticalalignment="top", horizontalalignment="center", fontsize=14) if path: fig.savefig(path) plt.close() else: return fig